The best methods to begin with include the increased creation of vitamin D within the body. This is combined with regular exercise, physical screenings, and proper diet while avoiding cancer causing food substances, and taking prostate supplements for improved health.
Prostate cancer (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is a disease that comes with many well known symptoms. Frequent urination, the inability to stop urinating, and frequent sensations of incompletely emptying the bladder are among the top known symptoms.
Vitamin D is known to play an important role in the regulation of cellular growth. This vitamin is naturally created within the human body if the individual spends fifteen minutes per day in direct sunlight without sunblock on. There are also other dietary sources to consider wherein this vitamin can be acquired. These items include fatty fish and fortified milk products.
It should be noted that calcium is to be taken in moderated amounts, however. An individual consuming more than twelve hundred milligrams per day may run an increased risk of prostate cancer growth despite the prevention aspects of vitamin D in fortified milk.
Beyond Vitamin D there are other prostate supplements and minerals which can be taken as a vitamin supplement or through dietary means. These items include pomegranates and juices derived from such. This fruit is considered to be capable of destroying prostate cancer cells in clinical trials and slowing the progression of the disease with as little as one glass of juice per day. Omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in fish are noted prevention items for cancer. It has been noted that men who consume fish two or more times a week are often less likely to develop prostate cancer.
The aforementioned items are easily found in food sources. However, some men prefer to consume prostate supplements derived from these items. Lycopene, selenium, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids are often combined with other substances to derive these prostate supplements. A popular supplemental form involves fortifying pomegranate juice with omega-3 acids. These types of items are considered to be a food source by some and prostate supplements by others. An individual should seek out information on both terms if they wish to discover proper methods of supplementing their daily nutrition beyond simply creating more vitamin D through sunlight. In all cases, it is recommended to take prostate supplements that include in their formulation high dose of vitamin D.
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